
ADOPTION– Sons and Daughters of God

Adoption involves the creation of the parent-child relationship between individuals who are not naturally so related. The adopted child is given the rights, privileges, and duties of a child and heir by the adoptive family. According to Black’s law dictionary, it is “the statutory process of terminating a child’s legal rights and duties towards the natural parents and substituting similar rights and duties towards adoptive parents.” In essence, it is simply the acceptance of a child of other parents as if he or she were the one’s own child.

The concept of adoption as it is in legal parlance is very evident in scriptures. In fact, to as many who have believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, this has become not just a concept but a reality. The bible says in Romans 8:15 that we have received not the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption by which we cry Abba father.

We have become legitimate children of God. Through Christ, we all have gained access to the Father (John 14:6). There is no discrimination. 1 John 4:4 makes us to understand that we are of God. We have the same material as God. It is one big family with God as our daddy and Jesus as our brother. So because we are sons, He has put the spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying out Abba, Father! The Holy Spirit is the spirit of sonship. It’s our seal as sons (Ephesians1:13). If you are a believer, you have received the seal of the Holy Spirit. Guess what, the Father himself (by virtue of His Spirit abiding in us) also bears witness with our spirits that we are indeed His children! (Rom 8:16). And since we now belong to the same father, the Son is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters (Heb 2:11). Therefore we are no longer slaves but God’s own children. God relates with us as children.

There is no discrimination. God sees us as one. In our society today, people try to discriminate between an adopted child and a child born in a family. There have even been legal issues as to whether an adopted child can be said to be a child in every instance the law makes reference to a child. But the law is final on this just the way God is final on this. The law does not see an adopted child any different from a child born in the family. The law sees them as the same. This is the way God sees us; when he sees us, he doesn’t see us less than Christ. He sees us as the same. In fact, He sees Jesus in us. He sees the blood. 1 John says as he is so are we in this world.

We can boldly call God Father. Throughout the Scripture, we see God revealing himself to men in diverse ways, some of which amounts to the numerous names He is being called today. He has been regarded as a provider- Jehovah Jireh (Gen 22:14), a shepherd- Jehovah Rohi (Psalm 23:1), Most high- El Elyon (Deut 26:19), the all-seeing God- El Roi (Gen 16:33), the everlasting God- El-olam (Psalm 90:1-3), Mighty God- El Gibhor (Isaiah 9:6) etc. However, the highest revelation of God is that of fatherhood and only the Son could have revealed such, for no one had seen the father, no one knew the father except Him (John 6:46, John 10:30, John 8:38). 

The revelation of God as a ‘father’ is absolute because it encapsulates everything that has been revealed before and much more. While God, in the Old testament, simply showed different aspects of Himself, through the Son He gave us the full picture, everything all subsumed under the word ‘Father’ (John 14:7). He is a Father of whom the whole family in heaven and on earth is named. 

To understand the father’s love for us, we have to see him in that light, with the wonder of a child. A child sees his father as someone who can do everything. God wants us to be totally dependent on him. And you know the beautiful aspect of this is that He will never leave nor forsake us. So we can trust Him completely while being rest assured that He is a faithful God. 

We have heard or seen stories of fathers abandoning their children or family. Some of you reading this might have even experienced such and maybe due to the things you have been through, you have concluded that God is like that as well. God is love and Love never abandons. In Isaiah 49:15, God said that even though a mother may forget her suckling child, He will never leave nor forsake us. He has tattooed us on the palms of His hands. Sounds too good to be true? Well, start believing it because it’s true! The Creator of heaven and earth has a picture of you and me on his palms! So 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 months a year, He got His eyes on us! Glory!

We have a loving Dad who cares about us, loves us and is devoted to us. He is a good good Father! You are his beloved child and He is pleased with You.

“And you did not receive the ‘spirit of religious duty’, leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the ‘Spirit of full acceptance’, enfolding you into the family of God….Romans 8:15 TPT

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