ADOPTION- Purpose and Performance

Having understood who you are in Christ Jesus and the rights and privileges that you have in him, the next step of discovery is purpose and performance. It is important to note that a child doesn’t get to choose the family he becomes born or adopted into. He just finds himself in that family. While […]
ADOPTION– Sons and Daughters of God

Adoption involves the creation of the parent-child relationship between individuals who are not naturally so related. The adopted child is given the rights, privileges, and duties of a child and heir by the adoptive family. According to Black’s law dictionary, it is “the statutory process of terminating a child’s legal rights and duties towards the […]
ADOPTION- Privileges and Rights

In the previous part, we defined what adoption means. We also established that we have been born into a family. Today, we are going to look at the implication of being a part of this family. That is, what manner of man have you become or are you to become having been adopted into the […]