Discharged and Acquitted (Part 3)

DISCHARGED AND ACQUITTED: A LEGAL APPROACH TO THE BIBLICAL CONCEPT OF JUSTIFICATION (Part 3) A person who has been convicted or declared discharged and acquitted by the court of law cannot be tried again for the same offence. In law, this is known as “The rule against double jeopardy”. It is so fundamental that it […]
Discharged and Acquitted (Part 2)

DISCHARGED AND ACQUITTED: A LEGAL APPROACH TO THE BIBLIBAL CONCEPT OF JUSTIFICATION (Part 2) There are so many things Christ wrought for us at salvation but one of the most important of all is our justification. In fact, the extent to which we can freely live out the life we have been given is hinged […]
Discharged and Acquitted – Part 1

DISCHARGED AND ACQUITTED: A LEGAL APPROACH TO THE BIBLICAL CONCEPT OF JUSTIFICATION (Part 1) One major tenet of the Christian Faith is that Christ suffered a gruesome death on the cross for mankind. Crucifixion was a capital punishment in this era and it was meted to persons found guilty of serious offences like treason, speaking […]