From our previous discussion, we discussed Sexual Purity and God’s intention as regards sexual purity. Now, the next question will be how do I remain sexually pure? Another question will be, is there hope for a person who has not stayed pure in the past? This article seeks to answer some of these questions and […]

Recently, there was a date marked for the celebration of Sexual Purity. I don’t know the people who set or chose that date or the fact the Sexual purity is worth something worth celebrating, but it is worth commending though. I believe apart from the celebration, I hope it spurs people to have conversation around […]

Now, down to the New Testament dispensation, Jesus taught a powerful teaching on Purity. I would do a brief commentary on this teaching. Both the Gospel of Matthew and Mark recorded this teaching. Matthew 15:1-20; Mark 7:1-23. In this passage, the Pharisees meet Jesus and asked him why don’t your disciples undergo the ceremonial washing […]

This question is a big deal. So many people have tried to define the word Purity in so many ways. Some have summed up the entire definition in one word, “virginity”. Some have defined it in terms of morality. Others have defined the word in terms of modesty, for instance if you dress in a […]

The main aim of this series is not to produce a list of some dos and don’ts concerning purity as I am sure that there are a lot of those in our world. Our aim is to present the word of God in its entirety concerning this area that has plagued a lot of people […]
Dads and Husbands (The Final Episode)

I took a break from this series because some things happened with my mind that required attention. In that episode, I learnt that the way to grow is by “forgetting what lies behind so I can move forward”. The decision to move forward is because of who I am and where I am headed. My […]
Dads and Husbands (Part 5)

At a point in my life, I said to the Lord and myself that I would never be disadvantaged by what I had no control over. This resolution helps my mind in many ways. First, it helps me not to give control of my life to anyone but God. People can be people, life can […]
Dads and husbands (Part 4) – Fathers

For some, Fathers have been a blessing while for others, it is the exact opposite. However, in whatever category we find ourselves, does that take away who a Father is, should be or can be? I do not think so. I remember an example that was very instructive for me some years back as an […]
Dads and Husbands (Part 3)- The Mind of Christ

Of everything God is, one attribute is at the core and centre of His personality and that is, Love. God is Love. Love never gives up. This is because the unconditional love of God is not dependent on the recipient but on Him the giver and very source of Life. We see that God, notwithstanding […]
Dads and Husbands (Part 2) – The Beginning

To understand much, I think it is important we go back to the beginning and examine how it all started. In the beginning, as recorded in Genesis Chapter 1, God created man in his own image; male and female he created them ( Genesis 1:27; Genesis 5:2). So you see from the beginning, God created […]