THE WORLD WE LIVE (MAN’S WICKEDNESS TO MAN)We are only responsible for the actions, choices and principles we choose to live by; we cannot take that responsibility for other people. Thus so long as man is free to exercise his will, to choose not to follow God, to choose to disregard God’s authority, man can […]


ACTIONS AND CONSEQUENCES These past months of my practice as a legal practitioner has shown to me like never before how our choices, actions, inactions and ill actions can have far reaching consequences; and how some of these consequences do not just affect us but those we truly care for, those we do not know […]


WHAT IS EVIL? “Just because I work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies does not mean I orchestrate the tragedies. Don’t ever assume that my using something means I caused it or that I need it to accomplish a purpose.”William P. Young, The Shack pg. 157 This statement rightly captures the mind of James in James […]


WHAT IS THIS GOOD? By virtue of my profession and the kind of work I do, I am privy to work with a lot of young people. The story of a particular teenager remains fresh in my mind. As she recounted her rape ordeal with me that afternoon at the office, my heart was filled […]

THE WHY QUESTION (episode 2)

WE HAVE ALL BEEN ON THAT ROAD I guess at some point in our lives, we have cried foul either from personal experiences or by observing happenings around us. This conclusion comes when there is no correlation between the amount of wrong we commit (if we committed any wrong at all) and the amount of […]


WHY ASK WHY-YOU DO NOT QUESTION GOD. As a child, I was raised to know God. Growing up, I had so many questions; questions about God, questions for God, questions about many happenings in my world that I did not understand and so I figured I could ask God. After all, He is the all-knowing […]