When Waiting Seems Endless

Have you ever been to a restaurant and you were told the food will be ready in thirty minutes? How did you feel? Especially if you were very hungry and you walked into that restaurant because you felt you would get a prepared meal instead of going home to start one from scratch? I’m sure […]
The Prayer Of David

I’ve been reading the book of Psalms since the beginning of the year and I must say, I am fascinated by the character of David. Eeeeeee a poet and someone who loves journaling my thoughts, I can’t help but admire how expressive David is, and the honesty and vulnerability in his prayers. e David is […]
The Sovereignity Of God

One of the most difficult statements to accept especially in light of the prevailing economic and security challenges plaguing the world is that God is sovereign and He rules in the affairs of men. A follow-up question of this statement is usually “if God is sovereign, then why is there so much evil in the […]
Count It All Joy

What do you do when you go through trials and challenges? The bible presents an interesting perspective. A paradox I must say. My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, James 1:2 NKJV Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great […]
Children’s Day Special 2 – Say No to Drugs

Living in an environment where saying yes to drugs has been stereotyped as the new norm can be very disadvantageous but choosing to say NO is what makes you an original. You are an original don’t die a copy. Having had conversations with my peers (Children) explaining their views on drug abuse and to my […]
Children’s Day Special 1 – Epilepsy

On a calm Wednesday evening. In the process of helping my Mum pack after a stressful business day, an incident occurred. A lady who was working as a salesperson to my mum’s neighbour is EPILEPTIC and at that moment had a SEIZURE. In a twinkle of an eye, people around the Lady isolated themselves from […]
Barabbas: The Exchange

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ signifies many things to the body of Christ. In it, we see the justice and the mercy of God. The justice of God because the wages of sin is death, and the mercy of God because He chose to die in our stead. He sent his son Jesus Christ to […]